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Observation and monitoring network


Mollusks Medical zoo Epidemic-Surveillance Network
The Mollusks medical zoo Epidemic-surveillance network (REZOM) was established in 2002 and has as a principal objective the control of the mollusks and the research of the parasites indexed in the list of obligatory notification diseases of International organization of Epizooties [REZOM]


PHYtoplanctonic surveillance Network in the golf of Gabès
The PHYtoplanctonic surveillance Network (REPHY) was founded in 1995, has as a principal goal the detection of the toxic species liable to induce risks of contamination of production sites of living bivalvular mollusks on the Tunisian coasts [REPHY]


Surveillance network of noxious Chemical Contaminants
The general goal of the RECNO network is to avoid any risk for the consumer by ensuring the launching of a salubrious product on the local and external market. The specific objective of the RECNO is the evaluation of the toxic level of MBV. [RECNO]

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