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National research projects [2002-2005]

Living resources Laboratory :
Project ESREB أسراب : Assessment of benthic resources stocks and seabed ecosystems.
Project ESSATEL الساتل : Assessment of sardine, anchovy, and tuna [pelagic] stocks and coastal environment.
Project ERRACHED الرشاد : Acoustic repulsion trials: innovation and development

Aquaculture laboratory :
Project ESSED السد : Cultivation and follow-up of fish stocks in fresh waters
Project TENMIA تنمية : Techniques of new marine species cultivation for aquatic interest
Project ESSDAF أصداف : Cultivation , sanitary supervision and detoxication of filtering animals
Project MAOURED مورد : Feeding raw material and optimization of available residues

Marine environment laboratory :
Project ESSAHEL الساحل : Elaboration of a residual schema, analysis of the hydrodynamics of coastal waters
Project EL BIHERA البحيرة : Ecology of the lakes of Bizerte – Ichkeul , Hydrodynamics and aquatic resources
Project EL MIRSAD المرصد : Marine and coastal Ecosystems: scientific representations applied to data

Laboratory of marine biodiversity and biotechnologies :
Project SINDBED سندباد : Status and inventory of the biological diversity and deteriorated ecosystems.
Project MORGEN مرجان : Models and research tools for coral sediment ecosystems in the North.
Project NEBTA نبتة : New biotechnological exploitations of seaweeds
Project ISSALAMA السلامة : Stress indicators and follow-up of marine animals alteration
Project ESSAMEK السمك : Eco-toxicology and Follow-up of marine animals health and continental waters.

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